Madonna’s first hit ‘Holiday’ almost never happened

This Just In::: The New York Post 

Madonna's first hit "Holiday" almost never happened ..It’s hard to imagine Madonna’s namesake debut album — which came out 35 years ago, on July 27, 1983 — without “Holiday,” the classic party anthem that became her first mainstream hit and has given people all over the world cause to celebrate on the dance floor. But the song almost didn’t happen: It was a last-minute substitute for another track on her first LP.

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  • If jellybean was not there, Madonna did not exist!
    I hope she reads this and share her success to her founder!!!!! #shameonyoumadonna

    DJ louisonthemove
  • I remember that they played the song at Dodgers Stadium after the Sticky and Sweet tour performance, and as we made our way out the stadium everybody and I mean everybody was singing along. Beautiful experience

  • incredible song


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